Never walk on the grass:

I was hunting in Northern Idaho where there are only two directions, UP and DOWN. I had spotted four Elk bedded in a small clump of trees in the middle of this big park.
At least it looked like a park with all the beautiful green grass. The elk were 150 yards below me. I checked the wind and everything was perfect.
I was working my way down being very quiet, moving slow and deliberate. My plan was working perfect I was now within 55 yards and they didn’t even know I was there until it happened.
I stepped on a patch of bear grass with my right foot. My foot went down the hill faster than the rest of me which caused my left leg to fold up under my back. Just as it hit the ground I was sliding down the hill at a fast rate.
This was a great plan because I was getting closer much faster than my first plan. By the time I got control of things I was within range, 30 yards. This would have been great because by now all the elk were standing. They were looking at me and the bull was presenting a perfect shot.
I think they were in shock with my stealth approach. I went to lift up my bow and realized that in my attempt to control my slide I had somehow misplaced my bow. I think it was on the third or forth Role.
Not all memories are good, at the time.